Candy Barchive – My Latest Book!

Hey everyone! I've been kind of MIA lately because I've been up to my eyeballs in a ton of commercial work and a sweet new book project... Candy Barchive! It's a departure from a dog book, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! Just after halloween I ended up eating a ton of candy... I'm not a huge candy eater, but for some reason I really plowed through the extra halloween candy we had at home (because we only got 1 trick or treater).  I sliced up a Snickers to share with some friends and took a photo with my phone to post on Instagram.  Immediately I started having visions of a new book filled with every kind of candybar/chocolate candy imaginable. So I got to work and ended up pulling my book together in just under 6 weeks. That includes shooting 53 candy bars, editing, laying out the book, etc... whew I'm glad it's done! Not to mention I can stop eating all the candy that's been laying around my house (I had to buy 3 samples of each).  Good thing I signed up for the SF Hot Chocolate Run next weekend, LOL! Anyway, my book was a huge hit at Christmas (my main gift this year), and I'm so thrilled to announce that it's finally available on! candy barchive Check out the website to view all of the candy in the book alongside information about a link to buy (coming soon). It's a great place online to share memories and discover new treats that you haven't tried before! Candy Barchive is also on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Tumblr.
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