SF/SPCA Cats 5/19 | San Francisco Pet Photographer

It was a pretty brief visit today at the SF/SPCA.  Not as many cats to photograph today as usual... so I took some extra pics of cats who needed a fresh photo. 🙂 All of these cats need homes! You can adopt them from the San Francisco SPCA! SF/SPCA TJ Stretching (above) TJ stretching SF/SPCA Buffy the Cat (above) Buffy hangin out in her cat tree SF/SPCA Miguel and Mobi (above) Best friends Mobi (left) and MIguel (right) SF/SPCA Bug the Cat (above) Bug the kitten!  So cute, so friendly! SF/SPCA Frederick the Cat Watching TV (above) I caught Frederick watching TV while I was in visiting with Sasie... he didn't even flinch when I snuck up behind up to snap the photo! SF/SPCA Sheba the Cat SF/SPCA Foxxy the Cat SF/SPCA Possum the Cat SF/SPCA TJ the Cat SF/SPCA Buffy the Cat SF/SPCA Little Bit SF/SPCA Millie the Cat SF/SPCA Cisco the Cat AKC Projet Dog Mobi
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