VOTE!! (and vote NO on Prop 8)
Happy Election Day! I hope everyone out there who is over 18 and has the ability to vote will exercise that right and cast those ballots. I went in this morning and I am so happy that we are one step closer for it to be OVER already... craziness!
I also want hope that if you are on the fence about Prop 8 you have done your homework and have weighed all options. I shoot alot of gay and lesbian weddings and I definitely am proud to vote NO ON PROP 8!! I am proud to support everyone, whether you are a total square, flaming homo, green, purple, whatever... people need to be with the ones they love.
I also just want to point out one thing that many people don't think about in regards to prop 8 and gay marriage. If you are a parent, there is a possibility that your child may be gay. So in this case, it's not about YOU, it's about them. Children learn from a very young age what they believe is right and wrong because they don't know any better. If your child is constantly fed with "gay is bad", "gay is wrong" or "it's not something kids should know about yet" then it makes the act of coming out even harder and more emotionally challenging down the road, should they in fact be gay. Many young people are completely traumatized by the idea of coming out, dealing with their emotions and not living up to expectations, which can be devastating and disappointing if you're in an environment that is unsupportive. So if your pill is that it shouldn't be taught in schools, it really should be. San Francisco really is a diamond in the rough, and I'm glad I'm not completely jaded by the city's social diversity, because I know in this country it can be few and far between.
I bet if everyone took a few seconds to think about their own lives, they could easily name a number of lgbt friends or even family - so please just think of them when you are getting ready to vote - because it's their livelihood and futures that you will gravely affect if you vote YES. Who are we to judge other people anyway, especially if it is over something that is completely harmless and a basic human right... just my two cents.
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