Dear Ellen: Old Booth

Dear Ellen, I hope you are doing well.  Things are going pretty good up here in SF.  Besides last week being my bday week, I found out that I MADE  7x7 Magazine's HOT 20 list!!! Yay!! ...I must be hott or something.  🙂  AND also on my bday Prop 8 was overturned.... I might be allowed to get married soon, and your marraige might actually be legal soon, hah.  So it was a great week. I didn't have any photoshoots... so no dog photos yet again... but I promise I will have a new dog photo to show you next week, because I'm having a photoshoot with Pacey the Flat Coated Retriever this weekend in San Francisco.  I'll also be shooting a benefit event for the SF/SPCA at Mutt Lynch Winery on Saturday up in Healdsburg. Project DOG is going AWESOME.  It's growing by leaps and bounds and just this week I reached 3,000 followers on Twitter and 600 fans on Facebook!  Not bad for only being "live" for about a month, right?!  Last week was extra excellent because I got submissions from a bunch of new breeds... my list of missing dogs  is getting shorter and shorter!  These are the new breeds from last week: Do you have an iPhone?  Just wondering, I think you seem like the kind of person to have an iPhone and not a crackberry.  I would be really surprised if you didn't have an iPhone... just sayin'.  Anyway, my good friend who I told you about one time whose name I will not mention has been obsessed with this new iphone app, OldBooth - where you can superimpose your face on old timey bodies with crazy hairdos in old fashioned poses.  It's awesome.... and he sends me gnarly pics of myself at random times during the day.  I decided to try to make some pics with you this week.  Check a few out: I also thought it would be funny to make some faces with  Harley, Ponette and myself.... here are a few.  That last pic of me is me reincarnated as George Michael.  Do you see the resemblance? Sorry for the delay of this letter.  I actually wrote it last week and it's been sitting in my "drafts" folder.  OOPS. Talk to you soon!
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