Dear Ellen: Meeting Muttville

Dear Ellen, Can you believe it's already July?  I can't.  This week was pretty good.  For some reason I feel like I haven't been on top of my stuff as usual, so I trying real hard to push myself extra extra to get back where I need to be.  I think vacation threw me off a little bit in June and then when I got back I was swamped with catch up work.

Anyway, this past weekend I shot the Moolah For Mutts event for Muttville, San Francisco Senior Dog Rescue.  I met Muttville last year around the time when I was starting Scutte.   Scutte and Muttville became friends and I donate a percentage of sales to Muttville from all of the Scutte products I sell.  It's a nice synergy... old dogs and old clothes.  🙂  So since I am still working full time and running 2 businesses, it's alot of work... so when I can't make up in Scutte sales to donate to Muttville, I try to volunteer my time with my photo or do other things... I can't wait for the day when I'm really working for the dogs.  Scutte will be back on the rise soon... it took a mini vacation this year, oops!

As I was saying, Muttville is a senior dog rescue.  They rescue, find forever homes and hospice for senior dogs.  Muttville has found forever homes for over 700 dogs just in the past 2 years since its establishment.  Amazing, right?  They also have a cool seniors for seniors program where they match senior citizens with old senior dogs which I think is awesome. WATCH THE VIDEO.  It's a short video about Muttville.  It will pull at your heartstrings.  It pulled at mine! ...Promise! The first time I saw this video was last year at the Moolah For Mutts event and I shed a little tear behind my camera.  Seriously, if you watched this video amidst a crowd of other dog people, you would shed a tear or two too. I took some photos at the event to show you.  If you want to see more pics, CLICK HERE. This is not just any chihuahua.  This little gal's name is Hemi, and she is a Korean chihuahua.  That's right, straight from Korea, just like me.  She is now in the care of Muttville, and she came to the event to help raise money for her surgery.  You see, her back legs did not grow properly because of the cage she was constrained to in Korea, and she needs surgery to help correct them.  The surgery will cost about $3,000.  ...Hemi wanted me to tell you that there are many Ellen fans in Korea, so you should give them a shout out.  She's just a sweet little lady lookin for her forever home. Lastly, meet Sherri Franklin, the founder of Muttville.  I can't even begin to explain how freaking awesome this woman is.  She started Muttville in 2007, and since then it has become a force to reckon with.  Thanks to all of her hard work and the support of volunteers and foster families in San Francisco and beyond, Muttville is becoming quite the well oiled machine. As you're probably aware, older dogs are always the first to go in any shelter.  Shelters get rid of the old to make room for the new.  But not Muttville.  Muttville takes them in - gives them new hope, and is showing the world that there is a place and purpose for these special, senior dogs.  Sherri is truly a pioneer for senior dog advocacy.  She has done and continues to support senior dogs and her compassion and understanding for these animals is unparalleled. What does this have to do with Project DOG?  I will tell you.  Before Scutte, I was into dogs, but not so much into the "dog world".  Since starting Scutte I've been immersed in dog events, dog products, dogs, dog parks, dog photos, dog people... and having just become an official "dog person" myself last year, I've had to fast track my dog learning curve.  I realized that I come from "that place" that rescue dog people loathe... being a "non-rescue dog person" is not cool, and I wanted to find a way to understand both "rescue dog" and "non-rescue dog" worlds.  Muttville was the first organization to teach me about dog rescue, and I hold them very close to my heart.  What a great group of people, doing great things.  I like that.  I think you would too. So yeah, Muttville is one of the reasons I have been so inspired to work on a project that is bigger than myself, a project to educate and bring people together.  A project that truly celebrates dogs.  All dogs. Project DOG.  Yay! Check out the first version of the book layout!  I finished it tonight and I think it's gonna be freakin awesome!  I'm just working on a sample book right now so that I can start pitching publishers soon.  One step at a time.  I'm getting there!  This is the main idea of the book though.  Do you like it?  The orange breed titles mark the edge of the page.  I'll post more samples as I finish them. Hope you have a great week!!
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