Finn the Orange Tabby Cat

I had a photoshoot with Finn the orange tabby cat a few weeks ago, following my photo session at Berkeley Humane. Finn arrived in style, rolling over inside his pet stroller - this guy travels with style! We started off shooting some regular portraits - headshots, bodyshots, etc... then, I noticed all the chairs behind the backdrop. Mind you, I've shot in this room a million times and never noticed them... after a few moments I realized there were in fact 8 different chairs stored in this tiny room. It made sense to put them to good use, and since Finn is a very outgoing guy, I thought it would be appropriate to have him sit on each of them. 🙂 San Francisco Bay Area Cat Photographer - Finn | Kira Stackhouse Here's Finn getting warmed up - he's into it! San Francisco Bay Area Cat Photographer - Finn | Kira Stackhouse Don't you just love his crossed eyes? These eyes are what swooned his mom, when she visited Berkeley Humane years ago looking for a new cat to add to her family. She took one look at his crossed eyes and fell in love! San Francisco Bay Area Cat Photographer - Finn | Kira Stackhouse ...Gettin sassy, gettin sassy! Next up, the chair photos! San Francisco Bay Area Cat Photographer - Finn | Kira Stackhouse San Francisco Bay Area Cat Photographer - Finn | Kira Stackhouse San Francisco Bay Area Cat Photographer - Finn | Kira Stackhouse San Francisco Bay Area Cat Photographer - Finn | Kira Stackhouse San Francisco Bay Area Cat Photographer - Finn | Kira Stackhouse San Francisco Bay Area Cat Photographer - Finn | Kira Stackhouse San Francisco Bay Area Cat Photographer - Finn | Kira Stackhouse
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