Mashable Awards: Vote for Project DOG!

Amazing news...!! I just found out this morning that my dog photo project, Project DOG made the top 5 finalists for Most Creative Social Good Campaign for the 2010 Mashable Awards!  If you're not familiar, Mashable is the "go-to" site for all digital/social media news... it's a common word in the vocabulary of most if not all techies. Anyway, out of the hundreds (or thousands) of nominees for these awards, I am thrilled to have made it this far with Project DOG.  It's really quite an accomplishment for me and it really makes me proud of the project and thankful for all of its supporters out there.  THANK YOU EVERYONE! So here's the skinny.... CLICK HERE TO VOTE NOW. It's free and you don't need to sign up for anything.  Just log in using your Twitter or Facebook account.  ...Or, if you reaaaally want to be awesome, use both logins to vote (if you use both services). YOU CAN VOTE EVERYDAY UNTIL DECEMBER 15TH! Here's a screenshot:
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