Dear Ellen: Konnichiwa

Dear Ellen, What a busy weekened... I felt like complete crapola today so I didn't go to work.  I just received my "monthly bill" so that really didn't help my body issues ughhh, just made me feel worse.  I got a little bit more caught up with work though which was good, it is a like being in a black hole... definitely can't see the light. Do you have any bad habits caused by stress?  Well, I grind my teeth and I must be stressed because my jaw is really stiff = not fun.  I can feel all of my teeth getting misaligned and messed up in my mouth because I've been grindin'.  Sick, right?  Did I tell you my left eye has been twitching since June? It's true... my optomotrist said it's because of stress... that my eye is tired.  It's more annoying than anything.  Ever happen to you?  So much on my plate, I know it's my own doing... but I thrive on some good stress and I know it'll all be worth it in the end. So this past weekend was great - really busy and exhausting.  I had 2 photoshoots on Saturday - first a clan of 4 little chihuahuas over in Santa Rosa and then 2 Eskimo/Papillon mixes in Oakland.  I must say, I was physically exhausted at the end of the afternoon.  It was really fun though, I really like shooting little dogs, hehe.  Here are some photos of the chis: Above you have Lily and Bebe.  They were so cute and totally hammed it up for the cam... Ok do you have cavities yet from looking at the pic above?  I do.... meet (l-r) Lily, Vonnie, Bebe and Dusty in the back. I love it when we use props, so fun! ...You know I couldn't have a dog photoshoot without a shot with you!  Everyone was thrilled to see you, and Lily wouldn't stop giving you kisses. After the Chihuahua shoot I had about a 1/2 hour break before it was time to go to take photos of the Eskimo/Papillon dogs (2 of them).  I'll show you pics of these guys next week! Project DOG is going really well.  This week's Featured Organization is the Great Dane Friends of Ruff Love based out of Colorado.  CLICK HERE to read their interview.  I did a count last week and mid week we had 963 submissions!! By now we must have close to 1000... I will recount this week.  I also added some new functionality to the site this weekend - now on the dog search page', you can click on the crossed off breeds to view the dogs currently submitted in that category.  I hope people find it handy, I know I would if I were a viewer! Today I also received a very important phone call from one of our mutual friends!  I'll tell you about it the next time I see you, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.   Oh, btw, I watched the VMA's last night and I noticed your saddle shoes.  What did you think about them?  It kind of surprised me since they're pretty femmy hehee.  I guess they are popular again, I actually bought a pair of wingtip loafers today... kind of similar.  Anyway, did you have fun last night?  It looked fun... too bad almost everyone was lip synching to the songs... sorry, it was terribly obvious.  But the 5 second clip of Robyn singing was the most amazing segment of the entire show, obviously besides your presentation.  I like Chelsea Handler, but she was kind of mean... what do you think?  I know it's her thing, but I isn't comedy's about being funny and poking fun at people and things, not ripping them new a-holes to people's faces like she does?  I dont know, watching it made me embarassed for her.  She's even meaner than my other BFF Kathy Griffin!!  I have to admit though, I did laugh... oops.  I wonder what Kathy thinks of Chelsea... I want to know.  I dont think i'd be able to say those things while looking into the faces of those people right in front of me.... could you?  I know you couldn't possibly be that mean, you're too nice. Well anyway, Project DOG is up to 800 fans on Facebook.  2 months baby, ohhhh yeaaaah...!!! Hopefully I can reach 1,000 soon!  It's hard attracting people to Facebook... much easier on Twitter.  The Project in general is still gaining momentum everyday, and I'm sure it will totally explode once the photoshoots actually start! Did I tell you I don't have a car?  I just use Zipcar around the city.  I haven't had a car since I sold mine in 2002 before I moved to NYC.  No car since.  So I'm on a hunt right now for a car... I obviously can't afford to buy a car right now so I'm going after some car companies to see if anyone is interested in working with me and letting me drive one of their cars across the country.  I'm not asking for them to give me a car because I'm perfectly happy using public transportation around here, but I need something to drive for about 8 months while I do this thing.  Surely someone will want to help me out - right?  I mean, the car would be the center piece of the project, so I can't imagine why someone wouldn't want free advertising...  Plus the Project is growing by leaps and bounds and if I already have 800 followers in 2 months, who knows what will happen in the next few months.  *sigh*  I do have sad news though, my #1 choice for the car I was hoping for isn't going to work out, I found out today.  So I have to think about who would be my next choice.  I know it's bad to put all your eggs in one basket but I was really hoping for this one company, their car is so cool and dog friendly I have so many dog people just waiting to eat it up. 🙁  Oh well, tis life. I gotta go to bed.  It's almost 1am and my laptop is burning craters in my thighs because it overheats.  I need a new computer bad.  It's on my list for sure, especially before I start Project DOG.  I saw one of those laptop lap fan stands at Office Max today, I need to buy one... I hate workin up a sweat like this just sitting here, it's ridiculous. Well, hope you're off to a great week. TTYS,
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